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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6PM  CBS  August 17, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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pretty picture when each ticket is worth $100. >> it can be harmful, i think it is a matter of degree, but does it smell a little bit? yes it does. >> the top three currently in office or senator tom harkin, a republican from huntington beach that has received the equivalent of $2,200 in tickets. coming in second it is a republican from modesto, with $800. and third, cameron smith from santa clarita with about 1400 in disney freebies and making the top 15, two former bay area legislators, including a democrat who reportedly received 1400 in free tickets. and former senate president from alicante, don perata, getting $1,200. we spoke up to those on the list, the former center said by phone that he did take the free tickets, but he did not use them
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personally. he said that he is beyond the age before the matter and says instead he gave them to his staff. mickey mouse is a drawl for a lot of kids, for families that can often not afford it. a move that may not be so popular on main street. >> i certainly understand why people out there who can afford to take their families to disney land feel like they're legislators are letting them down. >> and with the legislature killing a bill that would have prohibited them from taking tickets to disney land, ball games, or concerts', self policing does not seem to be high on the list for the legislature. >> it definitely rankles a lot of people, and people's antennas go up because it seems like a conflict of interest. it seems like the legislature makes laws for the rest of us, how come they do not make laws for themselves? >> for elected officials, all of
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these kids are supposed to be a matter of public record and there are limits. professor lee points out that if you really do not like what is happening, " and out. people hold the ultimate power. if you feel like your vote does not matter, this is a time when it does, you just need to pay attention. >> for legislators getting free passes, chances are he's not going, he is giving them to constituents. >> that is what senator tom garage said, he did not want to go to disneyland. >> thank you for that. three california cities have gone broke this year and a top credit rating agency is warning that many more could follow. moody's issued a report saying that the growing fiscal distress in many california cities is putting bond holders at risk, some cities may opt to use bankruptcy as a strategy to address their deficits while avoiding those obligations. the agency plans to review its debt ratings for nearly 100
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california municipalities and that could lead to downgrades making it even tougher for cash strapped cities to borrow money. >> a heated situation coming to a boil with cal state university system. it want to admit out of state and international students next spring and turn away students from california christine lazard tells us why. >> school starts in a few weeks for cal state northridge transfer student. she was born and raised in california and feels lucky to have gotten in, the spring is one semester later, in-state students have been barred from emissions into most of the cal state campuses. out of state and international students however will be considered. >> their residents of the state of california so our kids are not supposed to get an education in order for other kids that work and pay taxes elsewhere to get an education? that does not sound right. >> she is the vice-president of academic affairs at cal state northridge. >> it is something i do not embrace, i would rather not have
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to go that way but that is the policy of the system and the state right now. >> a $750 million budget cut to the cal state system last year, university officials say it has to be addressed an out-of-state students pay more than twice the tuition, that in-state students do. >> when we talk about reducing enrollment refers to residents of california because there is a subsidy that is were part of their education, the money is unfortunately not there because of budget cuts. >> only 10 out of the 23 cal state campuses will except in state students, including campuses in san bernadino and los angeles and fullerton, they will only except a few hundred students instead of the typical 16,000. right now the freeze only applies to spring emissions but cal state university officials warn that if the tax increase on the november ballot does not increase a could affected mission for in-state students in 2013. >> if you look nationally you will see that a lot of state universities and flag ship universities have started in mid and more out of state students.
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>> currency and say it is not fair. >> you live in california and assume you will be able to go to school in california. >> on some level we are always trying to serve california but the challenge is how many californians can we admit? >> facebook stock hits another new low, the stock fell to $19 before closing at $19.50. that means that they have lost half of their market value since the initial public offering back in may. facebook stock fell 87¢ today, one day after early investors and insiders could start selling their shares. on the flip-side, apple's shares reached a new high today. the cupertino company's stock got as high as $644, 13¢, apple rebounded from a rough june, at least by apple standards, investors are looking ahead to the release of a new iphone model and possibly a smaller ipad. >> california added 25,000 new
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jobs last month. it sounds like it less, but the modest growth did little to budge the state's unemployment rate. it is still holding steady at 10.7% and that is an improvement from the nearly 12 percent of jobless one year ago. but still well above the national rate of 8.3%. >> a lawmaker is about to introduce a new bill enabling undocumented immigrants to get driver's licenses here in california. the bill is offered by pan assemblyman from los angeles. immigrant rights advocates support this idea, they say that there are too many people who are forced to drive without a license, and they favor the change that would allow anyone who passes the in the testing to get a driver's license. >> the lack of licenses have created a promulgation of our community and we say that we have had enough. >> opponents say that the measure would only encourage more illegal immigrants to come into the united states, so for
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governor jerry brown does not support the proposal in the legislature. >> an important day to day for generations of chinese americans, now living in the bay area. they're celebrating the recent congressional apology for a racist law that can chinese people from entering the united states. lady is here on the lesson learned from the chinese exclusion act. >> we'll dana, i am told that there has only been three other apologies issued by congress, first to the japanese-americans for their internment camps during world war two, and to the alliance for the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893 and african americans for slavery. now this apology to the chinese- americans for six decades of discrimination. >> they helped build the railroads and work in the minds but chinese immigrants were targets of hatred and discrimination when jobs were scarce. >> as the recession deepened, the chinese became a convenient
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scapegoat, so in 1882, congress passed the chinese exclusion act to prevent the chinese from immigrating and becoming naturalized citizens and ever having the right to vote. >> a local allowed chinese merchants and educators already in america to bring in family members, but the desperate and starving in china paid those merchants to be their sons on paper. the law was repealed in 1943, it was only last june that congress quietly but unanimously passed the resolution, apologizing for the racism and discriminatory laws. today the community celebrated, this artist performed songs that traced those dark years. >> ♪ >> he is the son of a paper son.
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>> i had conversations with him and i asked him how they humiliated him and they treated him poorly. but he always said that in the long run this was a great country. and i suppose he was right. >> apology comes with no reparations, but it is a history lesson for new generations, many have never heard of the exclusion act. >> this was a very sad chapter in american history and now we can move beyond it, now we can talk about what life was like and we can talk about our lives now and be fully engaged in civic life. >> an important apology but the wounds are still deep for this man. >> it is a cold comfort. >> and the congresswoman says that what is more important about this apology is that she hopes that it is taught in school textbooks, accurately, to talk about these dark years but she also knowledge is that the apology comes at a time when immigration policies are still broken.
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>> thank you. >> checking bay area headlines, and suspicious package prompted dozens of people in palo alto to stay inside of their homes this afternoon. a canister was found in front of a home on maplewood avenue. we have confirmed that a bomb squad was dispatched but no word if the evacuees are allowed to return home yet. >> warning people buying secondhand apple products after a burglary of a fry's electronics store. this video shows a two men stealing ipad and ipods and iphones are valued at more than $163,000. it happened last week, investigators think that these items will show up for sale on e-bay or craig's list. >> and idling fire trucks will out as a possible cause of the chevron refinery inferno. investigators were looking into whether a huge chemical vapor cloud from a leaking pipe was
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ignited by that truck. but they say the truck was equipped with a shut off device that senses airborne chemicals and shuts off the engine's air intake process that could cause an explosion. >> heating up for years but now new information about radioactive contamination here on treasure island, the new areas identified by the u.s. navy. >> a bay area city just got more bicycle friendly. where bicyclist have new protections and drivers need to be on their best behavior? >> i trusted her with my baby. >> how a bay area,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> plans to build homes on treasure island are being questioned tonight, new reports show the radiation on the island
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is more widespreadhan previously thought. joe vasquez is here with what people already living on the formal naval base are saying. >> you don't have to go very far to see the signs, cautioning people about radioactive material on the island, this has been going on for years, the navy and the state have been trying to clean it up but you can see how close it is to some existing neighborhoods. it is also the case that the city has given the green light for a high rise were thousands of people will live. now there are new questions giving you information from the u.s. navy about possible new sites of radiological contamination. >> the view from treasure island is always seen it. but turn the camera in word, and the signs are everywhere, radioactivity left over from the time the island was a navy base is an issue that just won't go away. >> there are a lot of kids and families out here and it is definitely a big concern.
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>> she says that she is concerned about new reports of radioactive contamination. the navy has admitted that it is even more widespread than it has ever previously disclosed to the public. the navy report seven additional sites on treasure island may be contaminated by work on ships in the 1940's. some of those ships the navy did an extensive survey of radioactive contamination here on treasure island back in 2006 but earlier this year a state department of health official insisted that the navy's report was incomplete. that state report obtained by cbs 5 first reported by the bay citizen says " these findings point out that the existing treasure island report does not adequately address the nature and extent of radioactive materials on sight ". >> we have been saying this for years to read >> is there francisco supervisor says that he and other activists have raised the issue about
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possible radioactive contamination time and time again, others even filed a lawsuit against the city earlier this year but the city insists that treasure island is safe. >> residents of treasure island, even today, are told that they cannot grow fruits and vegetables in the soil there because it is contaminated. the city is just pretending and i cannot pretend these issues away. >> so there are several agencies working together to clean up treasure island. the city, the state, and the u.s. navy. they all insist that they have been working very closely to make sure that everything is safe and they insist everything is safe. but here's what happened, recently what happened is another state department came in and said " we are not sure this is so safe ". they issued an alternate report that made everything blow up and now they're trying to sort out what is safe and what is not. they all insist that
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right now the residents of treasure island are safe. >> a good reference for the presence there but it sounds like an awful lot paperwork for them to wade through. and it does not negate the worry. >> right, you know, the facts will negate the worry and at some point, the city and the state insist that they will not give any green light to anything along the way until their positive is safe, even if that means they have to delay some projects. >> thankyou. >> santa rosa police say that a driver attacked a bicyclist in a case of road rage. police say that the bicyclist road onto the golf course to try and escape, after the driver yelled at him for some reason. but the driver followed the bicyclist onto the golf course and hit him with his car. the bicyclist is expected to survive and police are looking for that driver. because of incidents like that one, one bay area city has moved
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to better protect cyclist and if they get hurt, they have some recourse. len ramirez explains how sunnyvale wants drivers and cyclist to share the road. >> exactly right, we are on a favorite commute route for cuts for wheeled cars as well as to wheeled bicycles. they have always had to share the road but now the cars are on tap to do a better job of sharing the road with cyclists because if they do not and cyclists have a new way to fight back. at a time when bike rider ship in the bay area as blowing up. >> what i did is used to go down myself rather than be hit by a car. >> this bike commuter found himself on the wrong exploding and when a car forced him off of the road. >> that resulted in damage to my bike and a loss of skin on my right side. it is mostly healed now.
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>> he picked himself up and the driver drove away but a new ordinance adopted by the city of sunnyvale, future incidents may not have to end there. >> sunnyvale is very bicycle friendly. >> they have added a section to the municipal code that prevents harassment and endangerment of cyclists by people driving cars and also allows injured bicyclist to sue in civil court and makes violators liable for up to $1,000 in damages. >> i think that the bottom line here is that we only to be safe and respectful whether we are on foot, whether we are in a vehicle or on a bicycle. that is really what is most important. >> under the new ordinance he could have sued for medical expenses and bicycle repairs and now attorney fees. more than anything cyclist's like him " the ordinance makes the roads safer. >> i think that it is positive in a lot of ways but i would really just rather have drivers more aware. and for me, the penalty is not so important as to the awareness of drivers.
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i don't want to do that and eat more than anyone else wants to go to court. but the presence of that law i hope will make people more aware and hopefully make it safer for everyone. >> and this new ordinance is just one of the steps that have undertaken recently to make this city more bicycle friendly. that have added many more bike lanes to many of the roads like this one. in fact there are now 84 mi. of bicycle lanes here in the city of sunnyvale. >> hopefully that will make it safer for everyone. we hear both sides of this issue all the time. drivers say the bicyclist do not pay attention to where they are and come out in traffic and think they own the road, and you hear the same thing from the bicycle riders that say the cars do not respect them. like she said, everyone needs to get along. >> is in effect the municipal vehicle code that bicycles do have a right to be on the road. if they have to go out in the land they have a right to that plane. people in cars did not like that
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because that to slowed down but that is what the have to do. >> the chp says a driver was killed when his car slammed into a tree as he was trying to get away from police. he crashed near the port of oakland less than 15 seconds after officers started following him. there were trying to pull him over for running a series of stoplights on seventh street but they're still not sure why the driver felt that he had to run. investigators say the 21 year- old did not seem drunk and there was nothing illegal in that car. >> we had one person deceased, who did not necessarily need to be deceased had they simply just made a better choice. was the driver impaired? was there a medical emergency? was it an adrenalin rush? we don't know. >> a passenger in the car was hurt but is expected to recover. >> crews are finishing up work on a new pedestrian crossing in san jose. nearly seven years after the death of a toddler. the two year-old alexander
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wilson was hit by train and killed after he got away from his baby sitter. he was crossing blossom hill road in 2005. monterey road will be closed in both directions this week and for the work that crews expect to finish by the end of summer. >> and in the weather department, first we bring in clouds and then an electrifying forecast. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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>> it is the season for months to moister over the desert southwest and once in a while that moister will head west and up through the desert south and the result in victorville, an hour ago it looked like this, flash floods breaking out over a river. appropriately named the mojave
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river. mud and debris flows, intersection's wiped out, not much property damage, but that monsoon flow is headed to the bay area but by the time it gets here it will mostly dry out. nevertheless get a chance for showers in the bay area. this is what it looked like earlier today. headed north there were thunderstorms around yosemite and east of reno right now. for us we have temperatures ranging from the 60s along the coast to the low '80s inland and we will look at those blue skies rapidly deteriorating into mostly cloudy skies tonight and tomorrow. high temperatures 82 in napa valley and 89 in fairfield. 62 in san fransisco, you can see all that moister coming up from the south and by saturday morning we are stockton. by the afternoon it sends a little bit but in between tonight at midnight and noon tomorrow we stand a chance for those buildups and maybe a sprinkle or two and maybe thunder bumpers. no flash flooding, at least it
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looks like that now. but we will get more kansas weather in the bay area. humid and warm. if you want relief you have to wait until tuesday when we have a trough moving in and it will cool things down from tuesday through next weekend. more details and 20 minutes. >> the child cannot be in two places at one time. >> a bay area private school getting tax money for phantom students. how many kids he says arnold but are actually registered somewhere else? >> a deadly bay area a fire promised an unusual warning from the fire chief. why the victims probably did not have a chance to escape? >> bay area protesters sending a message to moscow. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> cbs 5 investigation in partnership with california watch found one private bay area school has been cashing in, getting taxpayer money for students that they don't really have, that cannot attend there. we have had our eye on the school for a couple of years and tonight grace lee is here with
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the latest numbers that simply do not add up. >> what are you raising money for? >> saying and her private school. >> since 2010 we have been tracking them, kids panhandling outside of bart stations late at night and finally have some answers. the oakland unified school district launched an investigation after our stories with california watch, to find out how st. andrew missionary baptist school was able to get tens of thousands of federal education dollars and allow kids to panhandle. >> that is a serious charge because we even have the fbi and the attorney general investigating this case, so state and federal funds are being used. >> last year they received $50,000 in federal taxpayer money by claiming to have 195 students enrolled. how much they get is based on a number of students they have. the investigation found at st. andrew had fewer than 20. the oakland unified school district is supposed to verify
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those numbers, they asked st. andrew for their roster and the school, late last month, submitted 169 names of students that were supposedly in rolled. >> we are verifying their records against our own records because we actually believe that many of these are our students. >> the district found that 59 out of the one under 69 students were already attending oakland unified schools and could not possibly be enrolled at st. andrew. >> based on what the investigation we conducted, the child cannot be into place at one time. >> for the very first time we're hearing from the attorney for saint andrew. he says that st. andrew had a bad records, but accuses the school district of the same problem and says that is why there are discrepancies in a moment. >> we have a record keeping problem. >> they still get money from the federal government. >> based upon the number of students that they perceive to be enrolled.
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what is the definition of a moment? that is something that is an ongoing process and i'm trying to get an answer from the school district. >> we have had no problem finding kids panhandling consistently. but he says whit what the students are doing is being misrepresented. >> that is the impression that the african-american community gets from the story, when you talk about black kids it is panhandling but when you talk about girl scouts is fund raising for a cause. >> if they were selling a product it would be one thing, girl scouts sell cookies but these kids were just asking for money. >> the parents of these kids give them permission to do so >> it is disgusting. >> parents were willing to go on record saying that they had no idea that their kids were out panhandling. >> she would be at school sometimes until 10:00 in the first time this happened i called and told me that she was staying for bible study. >> and now the state has issued a new citation, they track schools that offer post high- school education.
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>> st. andrew is a theological university, a state agency called the bureau of secondary education, has find them $50,000 for not properly recording their existence. we ask their lawyers about it and he says that it is all a misunderstanding. >> i'm not sure what the misunderstanding is but it is a misinterpretation of the california education code. >> the set of california says that same injury has until monday to appeal that $50,000 violation. you can watch our other investigation into the school on, search " st. andrew ". >> the search is on for a high risk sex offender that escaped from a mental health facility in redwood city. derek sanders was reported missing this morning. authorities believe that he escaped through an elevator shaft. he has a history of violence, and has a case pending in san mateo county for a sex offense
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against a minor. he was last seen wearing a red polo shirt and jeans. police say that the frequency san mateo and alameda counties. >> two men killed in an overnight fire in san fransisco likely never had a chance. firefighters responded quickly to the blaze on the and a streak in the excelsior district. but cate caugurian shows us a lot was standing in their way. >> we're learning one of the victims in this fire was 73 years old, joseph rodriguez, the owner of a home. you can see that the debris is still in that driveway and some call this a case of hoarding. the chief says this is the worst debris situation she has seen death. let's look at video from this morning, a fire started around 3:40 a.m. and crews arrived to see smoke billowing from the second floor. because of the massive amount of debris it took firefighters 20 minutes to find the first to come and another 10 to get to the second victim.
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in a normal home free of debris it takes only minutes to find people inside of the home but because of the mass amounts of paper and stuff inside of the house it was hard for them to navigate. one of the victim's family members spoke to me and told me that his uncle was an antique dealer. arson investigators are handling this case, we're told the a total cost of damage was $80,000. >> we have new details on the complex fire in lake county, crews expect to have a fully under control by sunday. two fires there broke out five days ago near the intersection of highway 20 and 53. they destroyed two homes and injured three people, all evacuation orders were lifted earlier this week. >> the body of a six year-old boy swept away in a fast-moving river in yosemite still has not been found. searchers are looking in the area near a footbridge. the boy and his 10 year-old brother drowned on wednesday.
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a cbs reporter spoke with the boys neighbor. >> i am heartbroken, totally heartbroken, i cannot believe that something like this could happen. >> she lives in the same complex as the six year-old boy. who has been focusing >> his body was located 150 ft. from the footbridge, the attempts to revive him by a park visitor and rangers were unsuccessful. the search is continuing today for jacob adams, another neighbor that wished to remain anonymous remember seeing him play outside. >> i never spoke with a lady, i do not know the boys liname,
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but i saw them play outside. the other one, i do not know too much about him. but, it surprised me. >> they were on a church retreat, and church officials will be holding a prayer service for the adams saturday at 6:00 p.m.. >> i will definitely attend. >> coming up, some bay area protesters fired up over a prison sentence. what happened more than 5,000 mi. away? >> campers are lined up to buy a new bay area home. and why some are waiting in line even though they have no ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> it is becoming a disturbing trend in afghanistan, afghan officers turning their guns on american military members.
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last week the son of to silicon valley judges was killed in an attack by gunmen in a police uniform last week. the captain was part of a special operations battalion, training afghan police officers. the latest deadly shooting was carried out by a newly recruited afghan village policeman. officials say that he used a gun at the americans had just handed him as part of a ceremony marking the start of his training. two americans were killed. >> we have no findings as to what the reason for this incident was. >> in another attacked an afghan soldier turned his gun on foreign troops, wounding two of them. >> a judge's decision to send an all parole russian content to present for hooliganism has struck a chord all around the world. these protests outside of the russian consulate in san
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francisco is one of dozens being held today in support of the band. it will spend two years is behind bars for bursting into moscow's main cathedral and belting out an anti-government protest song. many see the verdict as a symbol of a growing crack down on dissent. >> most of my russian friends would not come here to support me because they are afraid. they are afraid that their hands will reach for us and get us here. and i am a little bit afraid. but just a little bit. >> that is not the only protest happening in san fransisco, another one got under way a few minutes ago at justin herman plaza. >> it is not even open until tomorrow but homebuyer hopefuls are already camping out, who was waiting in line even though they don't want to buy? >> we have a decent enough whether to do that in, for now, but that will not last, we have clouds coming from the south and a chance of thunderstorms in the
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bay area. in the meantime it is kansas and california, details coming up after the break. >> baseball is not the only sport that tell my excels in, and which 49er will make,,,,,,,,
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big news ! verizon wireless is teaming up with xfinity from comcast. now you get the xfinity triple play and verizon wireless plus a great offer. call 855-704-7400 to sign up and you'll get up to a $300 visa prepaid card by mail. verizon wireless and xfinity. it's tv, home phone, internet and wireless.
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>> taking you live to san ramon, that is where people are camping out, not for the latest tennis shoes or mobile phone or concert tickets. no, they are they're enjoying a night under the stars hoping to sign a contract for a new home tomorrow. the homes are for the gilt ranch community of san ramon and some people have been waiting for weeks while others are getting paid to wait in line for someone else. >> if anyone wants this house, it is too late, i am already here. >> we have been here for more than two weeks. we have camped here day and night so that we are number one on the list and we get the plot
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and house of our choice. >> who says the housing market has not turned around? when was the last time we saw people waiting in line to buy a house? the asking price start at $700,000. >> a southern california animal shelter is going high-tech and trying to increase adoptions. amy johnson has the story. >> their faces can win you over in an instant. and now you can see these cats at the best friends animal society and even play with them. >> it as a whole new element to the adoption process and to add an awareness to sheltered pets. >> the technology went live this week in the cat running room. >> we have one camera here that rotates, and it focuses on these three toys, which are activated by users on the website. >> they're one of five animal
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rescue centers around the country equipped with the gear in an effort to increase cap adoption. >> this is live streaming, a great opportunity to increase the awareness of these cats for people to see the adoptable pets, come to the center and meet them after they have developed that bond. >> getting into the room is as easy as logging in. >> there are 31 users right now. >> you can just watch or at some ply and. >> they can move the camera, they can zoom in on a toy or a particular cap and a can also move one or all three of the toys that are installed in the room. >> any of the 67 cats up for adoption can be seen all day every day. >> we are excited about the opportunity, we do not know how it worked out but how could go wrong? >> one of the best things about this system is that it coincides with a special the center is holding where if you see a cap that you like, you can take them
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home for just $9. >> and i kid you not, i have one of those cameras in my garage and at this moment with an application on my iphone i can see what my dog is doing. i cannot do it right now because i need to show you the current temperatures which are mostly still warm in the inland areas. 60s along the shoreline and things are going to be heating up again this weekend, and look what happened down south, flash flooding a result of flash flooding into victorville. about 80 mi. east of los angeles, that is the scene as the mojave river overflows in response to thunderstorms that are coming up. those have now moved north out of the area but that is the way it looked 90 minutes ago in victorville, about 40 mi. away from the hometown of roberta gonzales. not a good idea to do that, a car trying to cross with tornadoes and hurricanes and the heat and flash floods but up there with one of the leading
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weather related fatalities. flash flooding. bad news. they have it in southern california, those thunderstorms mushrooming over the desert southwest and they're moving north. you can see the beginning to happen to the eastern sierra. reno has thunderstorms and tomorrow we will it least get cloudy with a sprinkle or two, some cloud to ground lightning. it will be sticky tomorrow and when you combine that with images like this and it will feel more like the midwest in the bay area, 89 in fairfield and 90 in livermore. and tonight if you are headed out, some clouds along the shoreline, mostly clear inland with readings mostly in the '60s around 9:00, cooler than that close to the coastline. low pressure in seventh disco high pressure over the four corners. cuban tomorrow but partly cloudy skies and cumulus building over the east and north bay hills and maybe, maybe a thunderstorm or two.
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a model of the atmosphere over the next 24 hours shows all of the moister coming from down south so that you can see after sunrise plenty of clouds around the bay area, and not much clearing. we'll see clouds and more of the mid-level and said just low clouds, '50s overnight tonight and if you're heading out of the bay area, hundreds in the central valley, it is going to be smoking in the great valley, tomorrow pinpoint forecast looking for numbers to repeat what we have today, 80s in the south bay, 80s in the east bay as well. up to 85 in pittsburgh and 86 in concord, north bay pretty much the same, '70s and '80s. need coolant? look to the weekend, a cold trough comes through tuesday and wednesday and lois temperatures in the end back into the 80s and we will keep cool right through the end of next week. that is whether,,,
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>> no team in baseball needed a day off more than the giants yesterday as they attempt to regroup following the news of the fifth game suspension of milky cabrera. >> it is a tough blow but we have been through this before and we know we need to do. you know, like i said, we really do believe in ourselves and our
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team, we think that every time we go out there we have a great team on the field so we will give ourselves the best chance to win. >> the giants began a three game series in san diego in just a few minutes and at the moment they are 0.5 games behind the dodgers and one game behind the pirates for the second wild-card spot. what a difference a 13/3 season makes, alex smith is no longer viewed as a guy holding the 49 is back in the coaching staff believe that he can lead them to a super bowl. >> he is an expert in this offense. >> the 49ers fans don't need to worry about last year's success, going to his head. he is not buying into the excitement coming from head coach or the media who have the 49 years as one of the favorites to win the super bowl. >> we have high expectations, we don't pay much attention to what else is going on. you know, to people, and what
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they're guessing and what they think we will finish as, we know what they thought we would finish last year. and how right they were about that. it is no different this year. >> the texan won the afc south last season and are favored to do the same this year but as far as tomorrow night is concerned, alex mess better be on the lookout for the texas defensive end anthony smith and his alter ego. >> you have not yet seen the ninja assassin. there's no telling when you will see him, because sometimes you don't even know. >> the 49ers have arrived in houston and you can see their game against the texans tomorrow night right here on cbs 5, coverage begins at 4:00. the petaluma national team is capturing the bay area's attention during the run to williamsport. but baseball is not the city's only sport to produce a winner. dennis o'donnell has more on the petaluma skateboarding
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phenomenon. >> began skateboarding when i was for. my favorite thing about skateboarding is probably after landing a trick. i have over 40 or 50 skateboards. >> he is only 9 years old, but you'd never know it the way that he skates on the half pipe. the petaluma fourth grader knows exactly what he wants to do when he gets older. >> my ultimate goal is to become a professional skateboarders. >> he just returned from the california state games where he was a to george runner. >> the first skateboarder ever to do that and have been around 24 years, i think 10,000 athletes in each games, and he was one of five of the runners. you try to hold back tears watching your sun with the torch. >> he won the state court in gold medal, becoming the state champion in the nine and under division. >> i am competing at this contest, i get nervous.
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>> at two and half he was skateboarding off of the family sofa, and since then he has won over 30 trophies and 20 medals, all before his 10th birthday. a big reason why, his parents have turned their back yard into a full-blown state park. >> one of my friends said i was like a hockey parents in canada that was the hockey rink in the backyard. >> i never thought that would happen, i know a lot of professionals that have stuff like this in their backyards. but it is crazy for me to have one. >> earlier this summer the celtics signed jason terry who has been wasted no time proving his loyalty to boston, he got a tattoo on his arm, i guess after spending eight years in dallas spending eight years in dallas he needed something to remind,,
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